Welsh Exports, Quarter 4 2011
ref http://wales.gov.uk/topics/statistics/headlines/economy2012/120308/?lang=en
The latest National Statistics on UK regional exports produced by HM Revenue and Customs for the fourth quarter of 2011 were released on 8 March 2012 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.
UK Statistics Authority website Welsh exports for the whole of 2011 were up 13.8 per cent on 2010 (sum of the UK countries and English regions up 13.1 per cent).  Figures for 2011 quarter 4 in isolation were up on the same quarter of 2010 but down on the previous quarter.
The key results are as follows:
    The value of exports for Wales for the whole of 2011 increased by £1,629 million compared to 2010.
    There was an increase in exports to both EU and non-EU countries, up £693 million (13.9 per cent) and up £936 million (13.7 per cent) respectively.
    All of the twelve UK countries and English regions saw increases over this period, with Wales having the seventh largest increase. London had the largest increase (up 23.9 per cent) followed by the East of England (20.7 per cent). The smallest increase was in the South East (up 1.9 per cent).
    Between 1999 and 2011 there was a 110.0 per cent increase in Welsh exports, the third largest behind the North East and the East of England. This compares with an increase of 70.1 per cent for the sum of the UK countries and English regions. Scotland was the only region to see a fall over this period.
    Looking at 2011 quarter 4 in isolation, total exports (by value) for Wales rose on the corresponding quarter in 2010 by £126 million (up 4 per cent) to £3,285 million.  All but one of the twelve UK countries and English regions had increases over this period with London having the largest increase (up 17.1 per cent) whilst the South East fell (down 2.1 per cent). Overall, the value of exports for the sum of the UK countries and English regions increased by 8.1 per cent.
    Welsh exports for 2011 quarter 4 were lower in value than in the previous quarter (down £2 million or 0.1 per cent), whilst the sum of the UK countries and English regions rose by 4.8 per cent. Ten of the twelve UK countries and English regions saw increases over this period with the East of England having the largest (up 10.3 per cent).  The remaining two UK countries and English regions, Wales and the North West, had falls over this period with the North West having the largest fall (down 0.5 per cent).

Friday 9 March 2012 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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