The Police in Colwyn Bay are amongst the best in the UK. It really is a low crime area. Residents can walk about comfortably at night and in the early hours of the morning and never see any evidence of drugs or drug dealing.
The Police have a very difficult job to do.

This is the inside of 6*, where the previous tenants were evicted for no good reason (November - a few months ago -court order on a post below).
The current tenants are also being evicted and it is said they had to go to the police because S* threatened harm.
They may post their own story when they are able to get on the internet?
They say they have been told The B* are reported to be coming to 'physically evict' them tomorrow (Wednesday 27th Jan), and 7 or 8 neighbours are going to stand with them outside the front door if necessary. The tactic of telling tenants 'the landlord is coming tomorrow' has been used lots of times and very rarely happens. Telling tenants their landlords are coming simply causes the tenants to be distracted from things they should be doing.
The photo's on this post cannot be disputed, and the court order identifies to those who want to know who the tenants were.
Unlike the Thoughts of Oscar, every post is verifiable

Tuesday 26 January 2010 Posted in | , | 0 Comments »

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